Astroneer Wiki

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An Article on Astroneer
Astroneer Trailer

Benvenuto nella Guida su Come Giocare ad Astroneer!

Salve. Questa piccola guida ti sarà di supporto per le prime fasi di gioco e per rispondere agli argomenti maggiori come: Risorse, Moduli, Veicoli e molto altro ancora.

Riguardo Astroneer[ | ]

Explore and exploit distant worlds in Astroneer, the game of aerospace industry and interplanetary exploration. The sudden development of technology for rapid space travel enables fast and inexpensive journeys to the stars. Exo Dynamics, the dominant conglomerate in the new field, has opened flights to daring citizens of Earth. As an Astroneer, you must find a way to dig out a life on one of a multitude of harsh new Worlds. Blast through the terrain to uncover precious Resources you can use to fuel your quest to become a wealthy baron in the stars. Along the way, discover oddities, raise questions, and uncover Research topics.

Astroneer is a game about wonder, discovery, mystery, and grand endeavor in a new age of expansion on the fringes of humanity. You will land alone, or with a small crew of friends, on a planet to call your own. Harsh but bountiful, the universe will beckon you to explore, exploit, and ultimately to reshape as you desire. Excavate and deform the land, uncover precious Resources, jury-rig Modules to suit your taste and needs, and create industrial scale extraction and manufacturing Modules. The worlds in Astroneer are diverse, from huge spherical planets with atmospheres and vast landscapes to strangely shaped small asteroids floating nearby. Each of the Planets are procedurally generated and can be totally reshaped by your Tools. Excavate vast underground tunnels or create megaliths on the surface; the world is your Play-Doh.

Le Basi[ | ]

Sei appena atterrato in un enorme valle con molte cose da fare ed esplorare. Quando avrai finito di orientarti con l'ambiente, potrai iniziare ad usare il tuo Strumento Terreno ed iniziare a scavare.

File:Ingame Controls.jpg

A handy visual for all your Movement / Tools interactions and actions you can make.

Controlli Standard per Tastiera
W Avanti
Guida Avanti
Right Mouse Button + Mouse Drag Ruota la Telecamera 1 Gioioso! Emote SHIFT+TAB Apri la Console
A Sinistra
Sterza a Sinistra
TAB Invio / Esc /

Ribalta Veicoli

2 Felice! Emote
S Indietro
Q Apri / Chiudi Zaino 3 Onda Emote
D Destra
Sterza a Destra
E Attiva Strumento Terreno.
Clicca sul terreno / risorse da usare.
4 Cosa? Emote
Shift Corri Control / Alt Tieni premuto per cambiare
il tipo di mondalità.(Appiattimento/Aggiungi)
Space Salta T PosizionaTether
(deve essere nel tuo Zaino)

Il movimento, è generalmente controllato dalla prospettiva della telecamera. Quindi tieni premuto il Tasto Sinistro del Mouse e da li cambia la prospettiva.

Lo Zaino[ | ]


The backpack is your inventory and survival hotspot.

Once you've figured out the basic movements and camera controls you'll want to fetch some Resources so you can build your grand spatial empire. While you're out you're going to need to keep an eye on 2 things so you don't die; your Oxygen and your Power. The Oxygen is the horizontal blue bar at the top of your backpack (see right), and the Power is the vertical yellow bar in the center. Each of the bars will start to go down as you use them, the Oxygen when you're not connected in some way to the Habitat or to Vehicles, and power will decrease when you are crafting or using the Terrain Tool with augments installed. To increase power, you'll need to build a way to generate it, but more on that below.

The Q will bring up the backpack, which is also your inventory. You have 10 (or 11 if crafting something) slots, and once you start using your deforming tool you'll collect "nuggets" of a resource, which will then pop into your backpack inventory (or on the ground nearby if your inventory space is filled). The top right and left give you better spots for tools, but you can also place Resources you don't want to lose or get rid of so easy.

Under the inventory space is a basic 3D Printing (crafting) spot, where you can begin to make some basic tools for survival.

  • Small Generator - 1x Copper - Will provide power to a module with 1x Organic.
  • Tether - 1x Compound - Allows you to transport Oxygen and Power (if you have a power source) from a Vehicle or Habitat. (NOTE: 1 Compound yields 11 tethers)
  • Beacon - 1x Compound - Dropping or placing a Beacon will put a marker down, that you can see and find later.
  • Small Battery - 1x Lithium - Small expansion of power, if you use lots will give you more options.
  • Tank - 1x Titanium - Have more access to Oxygen with an additional tank.
  • Small Solar Panel - 1x Copper

- Good for powering basic Modules or providing extra power while in daylight.

Risorse, costruzione, ed espansione[ | ]


A Resin mining area which is depleted once you mine it.


A Compound mining area which is depleted once you mine it.

Let's start with collecting a few basic Resources which you'll need to expand your Habitat. Start by collecting Resin and Compound, which are usually very nearby your starting point and also the basic Resources for building, both of which can be quickly found either in Nodes or inside the ground (see images left and right). Use your Deform tool to mine them up.

Collect 3 resin so you can build a Module. Collect at least that and then pop out the Conduit from your starting Habitat by clicking on it. A holographic Conduit will appear where you clicked, prompting you to insert 1 Resin to begin construction. Either click the holographic Resin with a Resin in your backpack or drag one directly to the spot. Once the small circular platform is complete, place two more Resin onto the circular platform to build a larger platform. Use the left and right arrows to select a Module to build. Place the required resources on the platform and click the flashing button to begin printing.

Now, you should begin focusing on Power collection. To start, use your Backpack's Printer to make a Small Generator. The generator will provide power to your base Modules when you supply it with Organic, a resource you can obtain from digging up plants and foliage. The generator will continue using up Organic even if nothing is consuming power, so don't waste it! Collect one Compound, print a Small Generator, and attach it to your Habitat.

Once you have your large platform complete, a good structure to build is the Smelter. The Smelter will let you use ore to create refined metals, metals integral to making other modules. Smelt Malachite found around the world (usually underground) to make Copper. Once you've smelted two, you are ready to make a Printer. The Printer lets you print larger objects than your backpack will allow. Then, use 2 Compound to make a Research module. You'll need access to File:Research Pod.png Artifacts now. Artifacts can be opened by placing them into the Research module. When opened, you will receive either a resource or the blueprint to a new object.

If you have trouble finding Artifacts, go read the Artifact page to read on common locations to find them.

If you have any extra Compound, you can make Tethers with the 3D Printer in your Backpack, then place them using T. Clicking the tether will allow you to reposition it. Tethers will link to each other and provide power and oxygen to players within range. Read more on how Tethers work on the Tether page.

Commerciare con la Piattaforma di Scambio[ | ]

If you've managed to research a few Artifacts, you may have come across the Trade Platform. The Trade Platform allows you to, as the name implies, trade resources with the space station. Although you will always be on the losing side of the trade, the Trade Platform allows you to acquire resources that would otherwise be very difficult to find naturally. Just drop the resources you would like to trade into the Trade Platform's eight slots and use the arrows to decide what you will get back. Click the flashing button to send off the ship, and, a bit later, the ship will return to the platform with your side of the trade. Check the Trade Platform page to see every item's value.

Fonti di Energia e Livelli di Energia[ | ]


I Pannelli Solari generano energia durante il giorno, cosi da essere raccolta nelle batterie ed essere usata durante la notte,


Le Batterie sono la chiave per la sopravvivenza delle grandi basi, e per l'autonomia dei tuoi veicoli.

La maggior parte dei Moduli hanno bisogno di energia per funzionare, quindi avere una fonte di energia forte e costante è la chiave per sopravvivere. I Pannelli Solari sono sono un buon modo per iniziare. Anche se l'unico che puoi costruire avrà un income di energia molto basso, avanzando nella partita potrai sbloccare il Pannello Solare Medio che aumenterà l'autonomia della tua base. Per generare energia puoi anche usare le Turbine Eoliche, e le Batterie per raccogliere l'energia.

Verso L'infinito ed Oltre[ | ]

Sei pronto per andare verso l'infinito ed oltre? Per prima cosa avrai bisogno di una Stazione Veicoli, che richiede solo 2 unità di Alluminio. Seleziona lo Shuttle o lo Shuttle Superiore, con il costo rispettivo di 4 Composto e 4 Rame, ed inserisci i materiali.A questo punto, quando la nave è stampata non sarà ancora pronta per volare. Per prima cosa, crea un Sedile 1 Posto usando 2 Composto, successivamente cerca dell' Hydrazine per riempire la Cisterna di Carburante della Navetta. Quando la tua nave sarà piena, premi il tasto TAB per entrarci dentro, da li potrai lanciarti verso la tua prima orbita. Quando sarai in orbita, potrai scegliere se atterrare sul tuo pianeta, ma in un area differente, oppure intrapendere un viaggio piu costoso verso altri mondi.
